Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cdbaby iPad Welcome Screens, all




Death Metal

Mood: Fun

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

cdbaby iPad Welcome Screen - Grunge

Here is my iPad Welcome Screen for cdbaby using the grunge theme. It's not too terribly original, but it works for the first one, I think.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Project 3 - iPad Welcome Pages

For our third projects, we're doing iPad Welcome Pages instead of doing websites as was originally declared. In order to do this, we're picking a company that sells a product and we're making five different welcome pages, each one representing a mood or concept.

I have chosen CD Baby (, an independent music reseller.

I am going to do a theme for each of five genres/moods: Grunge, Indie Romance, Retro, Metal, and Country.

For Grunge, I'm going to use a lot of black, grey, and brown with a splash of yellow for emphasis. This will show the dark, dirty, and gritty feeling of grunge music.

For Indie Romance, I'm going to use blues, pinks, and white to simulate the hand-drawn atmosphere of Independent Romance movies.

For Retro, I'm going to use the bright orange and greens of the psychedelic 1970s.

For Metal, I want to give the dark religious look of the death cult. I will be using a lot of dark colors to represent the darkness, dark reds for blood, and metallic colors for metal.

For country, I will use a mix of blue, green, and brown, the most common colors found in the country.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

David Dashifen Kees

We have been instructed to design a poster revolving around a designer that we admire and for this project, I have tentatively chosen the web designer David Dashifen Kees. I have contacted him to make sure he is amiable with this idea and to see if he could provide me some content, but here is some of the content that I have gathered on my own:

David Dashifen Kees is a professional Web Designer and Developer currently working for the University of Illinois Mechanical Science Department as a Web and Database Specialist. Dashifen graduated from Lehigh University with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer science and a Master's Degree in Instructional Design and Development, but most of the web-based technologies that he uses were self taught by designing and developing websites for communities such as the Illini Roleplaying Network ( and, Rawrcast (, the Pagan Student Association (, and Progressive Pagans (


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1984 Book Cover Sketches pt1

These are my first three design sketches for redoing the cover for 1984:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Example Book Cover Analysis

Examples of Good Covers

Example of a Bad Cover

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Value and Illusion of Space

1. Why is value relative?

- Because the lightness or darkness of a shape is largely determined by its surroundings.

2. Why might high contrast be especially important to commercial artists?

- Since high contrast tends to increase clarity and improve readability, this means that a commercial artist's message can be seen, read, and understood much more easily.

3. How can value help create an illusion of volume, space and depth?

- value graduation can suggest a light source, create a sence of volume, or enhance the illusion of space and depth

4. How many different devices are there to show depth? Name them.

- six; Perspective, overlap, Size variation, definition, location, color

5. In order to understand linear perspective, what must be present?

- a fixed viewing position

6. What is the difference between one-point perspective and two-point perspective?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Line and Rhythm

1. What kind of lines can communicate motion? Stability? Energy?

- Diagonal lines are the most dynamic and suggest motion
- Horizontal lines are the most stable or static.
- While Diagonal lines possess the most energy in movement and action, vertical lines are charged with potential change.

2. Why are human beings able to see "implied" lines?

- Because humans are obsessed with seeking out visual unity and connection.

3. How might a graphic designer use lines differently than a fine artist?

- A graphic designer will use lines in a simplistic, but meaningful manner to clearly display ideas, whereas an arts might use more complex lines to convey an idea and and emotion.

4. How is visual rhythm different than musical rhythm?

- Visual rhythm uses the pattern of differences in visual media rather than auditory media.

5. What must be present for rhythm to exist?

- Visual conflict or contrast

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


1. How is visual weight different than physical weight?

- Physical weight is a measure of physical force that an object exerts on the world. Visula weight, however, is a measure of how much pressure a part of a composition holds compared to other parts of the composition.

2. What happens to objects when they get close to the edges of a composition?

- Near the top, they seem to float and towards the bottom they seem to sink away

3. Why are human beings more comfortable with balanced compositions?

- As humans, we desire predicability and stability. Balance gives us a sense of maintaining this.

4. What happens when there is imbalance?

- it lends a sense of chaos and throws off our equalibrium. This can sometimes be overwheling and disorienting or can lead us to ponder the composition more.

5. Is there a place for purposeful imbalance? Give some examples.

- yes, to make your composition frightening or disorienting and therefore evoke a negative emotion that violates serenity

6. Why is symmetrical balance so popular in architecture?

- Because symmetrical balance gives a feeling of serenity and stability. Architects want people to feel happy and secure in their buildings.

7. Can different types of balance be used in a single composition?

- Yes. Shape, color, and rhythm are all separate concepts and can be used independantly of each other or together.

8. How many ways are there to achieve asymmetrical balance? Name them.

- scale and proportion, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, and placement.

9. Is radial balance always symmetrical? Why or why not?

- No, a spiral is balanced, but not symmetrical.

Monday, January 25, 2010


1. Why is it important to design the positive and the negative shapes of a composition?

- The relation of the positive shape and negative shape in a composition defines the state of the shape and composition, whether it is dynamic or static, leaden or buoyant. A carefully designed negative and positive shape of a composition lends energy to the entire composition/

2. What is the difference between representational shapes and abstract shapes?

- Representational shapes are derived from specific subject matter and direct observation, lending themselves to be highly descriptive. Abstract shapes are defined from a form of reality, but are distilled and transformed to represent a certain aspect of the source instead of the whole.

3. What are some of the ways emphasis can be achieved?

- Isolation, Placement, Contrast

4. What kind of subjects attracts attention?

- Any representation of another human

5. What happens when there are too many focal points?

- If there are too many focal points, they begin to compete with each other and lose power. Also, chaos is created and the viewer becomes overwhelmed.

6. Why is emphasis important, especially for graphic designers?

- Graphic Designers have a message that they want other people to notice. Emphasis allows that message to stand out and be noticed. Without emphasis, the message might be lost.

7. Which is more important: a strong focal point or unity?

- Unity is arguably more important. Unity gives a composition potential energy and without it, a focal point is useless. Without a focal point, there is nothing to release that energy, but a composition can still be pleasing.